Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Trash The Dress!

Call for women looking to Trash The Dress!!!

Popularized in the US, "Trash the Dress" is growing in popularity all over. What does this mean you ask? It means get that beautiful wedding dress out once more for a CRAZY photo shoot! Let go have fun, get dirty and make some beautiful keep sake images to remember forever. What else are you going to do with that gorgeous gown?????? Trust me your daughter wont want it and what is the point of it sitting in a box for the rest of your life only for your children to donate it to Good Will once you pass. I know morbid, but true isn't it?! So lets go out and have fun the weather is warm and beautiful for it.

The first 2 people to contact me and book....... *THE SESSION FEE IS ON ME! Prints will be sold separately but there are no restrictions of minimum amounts to purchase. Contact me for more information!

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