Monday, February 1, 2010

Something to Laugh At! - York Region Portrait Photographers

For those of you who have had studio sessions you may or may not have met miss Cleo our hairless cat. If you have met her you understand how much of a character she is. Well take a look at what she was up to the other night after dinner! Yes I am sure most will find this some what gross and yes we felt the same but we found the cat in the very warm skillet after it had been used for dinner and couldn't help but laugh!
In the winter Cleo can get pretty desperate to find heat but this was a whole new level and we thought we would share to hopefully bring a laugh to you as well.



Anonymous said...

Hilarious! Sam was telling me the other day about your "hairless cat", and I said, oh no, it couldn't possibly be hairless! Maybe it's an Abyssinian or something... but YEP, that's definitely a hairless cat!! Cari

Photography by SSV said...

LOL yup I have a weird cat! It was one of those always wanted one so bought one. She talks alot!