Friday, February 6, 2009

Random Babble

Oh oh oh the long winter months it's cold and dark but man am I happy to finally see some sunshine! It feels liberating doesn’t it?

I am a huge walker and my morning walk is a huge part of my day that clears my mind and brings new creative ideas flooding in. I finally feel like I can get out there again and that feels great. However during those forever long cold days we recently bought the Wii fit. Oh my oh my have you tried that thing yet? Yikes I am so addicted it's insane and if you knew me you would laugh as I hate the torchers of exercise (minus my walk, LOL).

It's a little unkind by saying things like "oh" when you step on it as if you are breaking its back, LOL, but those things aside I realized I don't think I have done any exercise correct ever, LOL. Now don't get me wrong I hurt and feel every muscle but I don't hurt so much so that I am waddling or god forbid the horrible torcher when you have to sit on the toilet when your legs are killing you (you know what I'm talking about). Instead I feel good, good enough to continue the next day I think I have just realized that I am fairly competitive hmmm that's interesting, LOL.

So there it is my new latest addiction and a weird one at that who would have ever thought in a million years!

(Okay so that was completely unbusiness related)

On to other things..... I have uploaded landscape photos to my Limited Edition Gallery. 90% of these pieces are for museum wrapped canvas as I just LOVE how the canvas comes out. The other bonus is there is no need to worry about framing the print later it is simply ready to hang! If you have interest in any one particular piece give me a shout!

I also hit the jack pot (well what feels like it) of new layers to add to photos. I have some I want to show but out of respect for my clients I have to wait for their permission of coarse. I hope I will be able to show some of those of soon...... STAY TUNED, lol.............

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