Okay so increasingly I am told that my portrait in the paper is not suiting of me at all, LOLOLOLOL. I know I look serious and some have even said a bit b$#%&y, that's okay I can fully laugh at myself, LOL. I call her my alter ego and to be honest I really do not photograph well when I smile. Hey man try taking a self portrait it's a tough thing to do, LOL.
But anyways I have made a promise to change it. My good friend David will be helping me out with it so hopefully he can do a better job, lol. Stay tuned for that update.
Also the Right To Dry T-Shirts will be happening soon contact me and let me know if you are interested in one. Part of the proceeds will be going to the Oak Ridges Moraine Land Trust which I think is a huge deal to protect. I actually read in the paper yesterday that Newmarket's sliver may be sold to a builder!!!!!!!! Tisk tisk this should not even be an option that is entertained at all! Let’s keep our green space green for heaven sake!
Okay off my soap box now here is a Pray mantis I had the privilege f photographing over Labor Day weekend. I love these bugs!